Friday, January 21, 2011

hikeing and cliff climbing..a little water splashing too!

Lisa's family invited us all to join them on a small hike up to Jump Creek. It was a short hike but so much fun. There was cliffs the kids could climb, and tunnles (caves ) to play in, and at the end of the trail is a small pond with a waterfall. The kids had so much fun climing and playing in the water. I took so many pictures and had a hard time picing from girls were so stinkin cute and HAPPY! This is us putting on the camel paks and handing out water bottles. Off we go up the trail.
Not too far in there were the clifs to climb......oh my fearless kids! Trinitte on the rocks. proud she was doing it!

Almost to the cove!!!!
Tristynn comeing down......skirts are NOT the best climbing atire...but I was not aware of thepotential climb before we came.
Trinitee finally comeing down....Kiara and Tristynn were ready to move on.

Crossing the little creek in our path.
The girls asking for a picture in the little out cove thing next to the trail.

just a rock over hang along the trail.....gotta love my Kiara and her poses!

A cave tunnel at the goes up to some cliffs by the waterfall......needless to say I went AROUND...the opening in the top is MUCH smaller than the one down here!!


Playing in the water and hopping from rock to rock!!

So Cute .....Trinitee trying to not get wet ...she would just go from rock to rock, to rock.

This is a crawdad.....nope we did not catch it....nor are any of us holding it. Some other kids were there and they were catching them...they had a bucket full. The girls thought the "crabs" were pretty neat but did not want to touch them...just look.

This is Trinitee on the other side of the tunnel above the waterfall....she screamed down to me "MOMMY...TAKE MY PICTURE!" So I did.
After playing at the waterfall for a bit we hiked back.....we decided to make a fire and eat dinner. Right by our fire site there was a little creek and the kids played in it while we got the food going.
Kiara and Topher in the creek.

Tristynn throwing rocks into the creek.

Trinitee desided she needed to get wet after all.....but NOT her shoes.

All the kids in the creek!

The fire ........we ate dinner and then headed girls and I had a grat time....We told Bree about it and she decided next time she will go with us.....maybe this summer I will talk ALL my kids into going!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My poor Tristynn! The day after our bike ride, this is what Tristynn's face looked like...the picture does not even do it justice! Her face was all bumpy and poofy and red. Our Dr. thought it was an alergic reaction to the suntan lotion and a little bit heat stroke. In the next few days it gotworse and worse. It was so hot to touch and her whole face poofed up...almost closing her eyes completely. We were a little worried for a bit, the rash was spreadingdown her body....and one morning I noticed full on blisters forming on her fingures.....back to the doc we went. He said that this was the worst case of heat rash he had ever seen.....said that most likley we would have to stay in for the summer...only litte trips in the heat with Tristynn. Now I really thought this was a possibility because when Greg was with us we did not stay out in the heat for a long time due to the maybe Tristynn did have heat issues and we just had not seen it yet. But I was bummed because I had been so ready to take the kids out to do things that were harder when Greg was with us....but that I knew he would have wanted us to do....camping, hiking, bikeing...etc. So after ajusting to the idea I desided to get her a blessing of comfort to at least help her through the healing process. The blessing said she would be better in days (not weeks..DAYS!) and that we would be able to continue with outdoor activities the rest of the summer with no health issues...........WOOHOO!!!!!!! I was so exited to hear that......and of course three days later the rash is all but gone and off on adventuring we health issues all summer......I LOVE THE PRISTHOOD!

So for our first adventure, we went on a hike up 8th St. outside of Boise. We went with Lisa and her family (you will hear that a lot as we spent most of our time this summer with Lisa's crew). This is all the kids at the begining of the trail. It was 2.5 miles down...looped over and back up. We got a little mist, but it felt nice as we hiked.....we also got a little surprise......................

The kids wanted to climb on every rock along the path...we let them climb a couple.

Just a cute pic...Kiara, Isaac, and Topher.....I just loved this shot....not sure why.

Oh how lovely I and the little ones marching along...they loved this hike...they have so much energy, and they love Lisa's kids too.

so about 1.5 miles in we desided to stop and have a snack....some water and crackers and cheese sticks... as we are opening boxes and backpacks I hear this sound like dry leaves rustling...... oh I heard it again..........

See how I am looking in that tree next to the path...I am trying to figure out what that dang noise is...........then I look down............IT IS A SNAKE>>>>>A RATTLE SNAKE!!!!!!!!! It is sitting under a rock about 2 feet from my shoe.......I quietly tell Lisa who is standing next to me...and we quckly usher the children up the path a little farther. ( seeming as the snake has now warned me 4 times before I figured out it was not the tree!!!) Everyone is fine and the little babby rattler was more scared than me I think.............

Here is my snake......NO, I did not take the picture...Lisa's husband thought I did not know the difference between a rattle snake and a water he went to check it out....I was RIGHT!

So now we are eating our snack on a rocks to hid under no snakes LOL.

Walking up hill is a little tougher than down hill.....taking turns with the back stuff!

YEAH!!! We made it to the end....I was so pleased with myself ....I only had a little bit of a hard time on the steaper parts but it was a fun..little hike.

Monday, January 17, 2011

After the dirt jumps we had a small snack and drink...washed of a few boo boos and headed back up the trail to the docks....gotta wash off all that dust and dirt from the bike jumping! Kiara...ever the sweet sister...... She had to make sure everyone, including her slow to get in the cold water sister, Bree got wet!
Trinitee having a great time...crocks float ya know! Had to wash them off before heading back to the park for lunch.

Just a quick pic of the girls together at the lake dock.

This is all of us....minus Lisa and I...we had a lot of glad we went even if the bike ride almost killed me...LOL.

oops pictures are in backwards again...forgot about that. so I have not bloged in a while...thought I would try and catch up...put a few of the pics that I missed and start fresh. This is the summer of 2010 Our first bike ride after Greg passed.....I thought that we needed to get out there and do the things I knew daddy would want us to be doing...Greg always loved to ride but just couldn't anymore...and well he married a women who could care less if she ever got on a bike! However the kids take after thier dad not their mother and they love bike rides! We went with Lisa and her kids. We did a short ride with breaks (more for me than anything) We rode from Vetrents Park to the Bike jumps at the ball fields....played on the jumps for a bit. This had me remembering when Greg was teaching Jacob how to race BMX. Both Kiara and Trinitee fell and got boo boos....I wished Greg was there to teach them to keep pedling so they could make it up the next mound....I felt his spirit there.....he loves to watch his girls!!