Lisa's family invited us all to join them on a small hike up to Jump Creek. It was a short hike but so much fun. There was cliffs the kids could climb, and tunnles (caves ) to play in, and at the end of the trail is a small pond with a waterfall. The kids had so much fun climing and playing in the water. I took so many pictures and had a hard time picing from girls were so stinkin cute and HAPPY!
This is us putting on the camel paks and handing out water bottles.
Off we go up the trail.
Not too far in there were the clifs to climb......oh my fearless kids! Trinitte on the rocks. proud she was doing it!

Almost to the cove!!!!
Tristynn comeing down......skirts are NOT the best climbing atire...but I was not aware of thepotential climb before we came.
Trinitee finally comeing down....Kiara and Tristynn were ready to move on.
Crossing the little creek in our path.
The girls asking for a picture in the little out cove thing next to the trail.
just a rock over hang along the trail.....gotta love my Kiara and her poses!
A cave tunnel at the goes up to some cliffs by the waterfall......needless to say I went AROUND...the opening in the top is MUCH smaller than the one down here!!
Playing in the water and hopping from rock to rock!!
So Cute .....Trinitee trying to not get wet ...she would just go from rock to rock, to rock.

This is a crawdad.....nope we did not catch it....nor are any of us holding it. Some other kids were there and they were catching them...they had a bucket full. The girls thought the "crabs" were pretty neat but did not want to touch them...just look.
This is Trinitee on the other side of the tunnel above the waterfall....she screamed down to me "MOMMY...TAKE MY PICTURE!" So I did.
After playing at the waterfall for a bit we hiked back.....we decided to make a fire and eat dinner. Right by our fire site there was a little creek and the kids played in it while we got the food going. proud she was doing it!