This is the head stone of Greg and I's resting place. Although it is not nice to have to have is nice that it is finally here, and it looks nice!
The girls went with me....their interest is about one minuet but hey...they each brought their daddy something. Tristynn said that Gorge Washington had died and daddy had died so daddy would like this.....
Trinitee brought a baggy full of shammerocks from her party at cute arn't they.
I had each of the girls help put flowers in the vase at the grave site...we started with 6 carnations but after two got ripped off I desided I had better supervise.
Well this is the finished product...not profecional but I know Greg would tell me it was the BEST!!!!
The headstone looks better today than when I went by yesterday and it was covered with a black tarp. And you are right, Greg would say the flowers are beautiful!
Well...since things are the way they are and Greg has to have a headstone (sounds ilke they should be called footstones rather than headstones based on where they put them, but oh well....) this one looks great to me. I think he would LOVE the motorcycle and the fact that he is riding the number 7plate. As far as the flowers Greg is probably sitting up there saying the girls can have the flowers he wants a pop!!! looks beautiful!!
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