Breeanna and Grandma Yearsley at Bree's award assembly.

Two awards...one for persistence and working sooo hard to get caught up and one for Character

This is Trinitee receiving the Citizen of the YEAR award . The thing that amazes me here is the fact that we lost Greg this year and my Trinitee still received this award...FOR THE YEAR...not a month or whatever but the whole year...she is such a helper to others just like her daddy....he is so proud of her...I just know.

Grandma and I were a little teary durining the assembly...knowing how much Greg would have loved to be there.

Trinitee and Mrs. T
I AM SOOOOOO PROUD OF HER!!! What a good girl she is!! I bet she was soooo excited to get the award!! This award is a KEEPER!!!
How rude of me not to comment on Bree's awards....I clicked publish comment and then realized I had forgotten to comment!! Anyhow...WAY TO GO BREE!! Keep up the good work!!
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