Trinnitee needed a picture of ALLLLL the looks like so much more when there are two! This party was so fun and I am glad we did it, but I am sooo glad it is over! I enjoyed this a lot and have always wanted to do one... but no other birthday will be like it again...Gee wizz! I need a nap!

These are the AMAIZING cupcakes Karie made for our Cupcake walk! I love that she is willing to do this for us...her talent is wonderous!!! I wish I could think of the word that Greg would always say when we played the "who loves who most" game..he always won cause I couldn't beat that word...anyhow..that is the word for the cupcakes....unbeatale...Love you Kari!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! (popcorn bags w/popcorn, hello kitty,leaves and sucker flowers, clowns, elmo, and cookie monster!)

Mom and Kari helping out at the cupcake walk! Lookin" GOOD Ladies!

John....not enough room to even start to explain John...perfect for handing out food....although he did eat a lot...hahahah...I paid him in cotten candy!! We had hot dogs, nachos, cotten candy, juice, rootbeer, and of course the cupcakes!

All the little eaters..well at least the ones at this station! 16 kids came for the whole party...3 in and out (you know my sisters...busy busy)