Saturday, April 24, 2010


We pulled out the fire pit and desided to roast sauseges and have egg and sausage wraps for dinner tonight. Here are some quick pics of the girls havin fun!Burning our sausages in the fire...mmmmmm!
Is it done mom? I heard that question like 80 times!!

Trinitee my little loner......

Bree came to sit by her.
We had so much fun we are going to do it again tomorrow...well just the marshmellos...we told Grandma Yearsley she sould come over ...Kari too.....what fun it will be!

Our New Swingset!!!!!

We finally got the rest of our swing set up!!!! Yea!!! For you that do not know the story of our swingset ..............My friend Lisa had to move out of her house, she was not planning on taking down her swingset to move to the new house....too much of a I had my brother in law Ronnie come over one day when he was in town and took it apart and helped move it to our back yard!!! FREE FREE FREE swingset!!!! However he had to get back to work and did not have time to put it back it sat on its side for a while!

Then the T & T carnival birthday was going to take place in our yard and I could not have this big wood pile......So Jacob (my son) came over and the two of us put the main structure up and added the monkey bars for stability....however we were not capable of the swings area.........

So finally the other day the sweet young med of our ward came over and put everything together....the girs could not stop hugging them!!!! As it was time for bed I let them each play for a minuet and then off to their room....."You are the best mom EVER!" is what they said going into the house.....sooooooooooo worth it!!
Everyday since....(like the last 3) they play and play and play out there......I am the smartest mom ever...who knew I would be so happy to have the swingset!!!!

Anyway that is the story of our swingset and these were just some cute picks of the kids playing tonight on the stuff!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

T AND T Carnival Birthday Party!!

Trinnitee needed a picture of ALLLLL the looks like so much more when there are two! This party was so fun and I am glad we did it, but I am sooo glad it is over! I enjoyed this a lot and have always wanted to do one... but no other birthday will be like it again...Gee wizz! I need a nap! These are the AMAIZING cupcakes Karie made for our Cupcake walk! I love that she is willing to do this for us...her talent is wonderous!!! I wish I could think of the word that Greg would always say when we played the "who loves who most" game..he always won cause I couldn't beat that word...anyhow..that is the word for the cupcakes....unbeatale...Love you Kari!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! (popcorn bags w/popcorn, hello kitty,leaves and sucker flowers, clowns, elmo, and cookie monster!)

Mom and Kari helping out at the cupcake walk! Lookin" GOOD Ladies!

John....not enough room to even start to explain John...perfect for handing out food....although he did eat a lot...hahahah...I paid him in cotten candy!! We had hot dogs, nachos, cotten candy, juice, rootbeer, and of course the cupcakes!

All the little eaters..well at least the ones at this station! 16 kids came for the whole party...3 in and out (you know my sisters...busy busy)


The CUPCAKE WALK was great! The kids all loved this game...and well you saw the cupcakes so who wouldn't want to get one?!?!?! The kids loved this area...My friend Kara came and ran this "booth" for me..however the music wasn't working out so great...well for a mexican feiesta maybe...the only channel with music was the spanish mom K saved the day by useing her phone music to play the game....YEAH MOM!!!Ring toss...Lauren helped out ...thanks Lauren!
Dart Toss...yep folks thems are real darts!!! Kinda scary huh?! But the kids loved it..

Lisa's son Sam helped out out the Pingpong (egg) toss.

Tyler showed up to run the baseball throw...

Thank you everyone for helping out this could not have worked without you!!

Face Painting...What a Hoot!

Face painting had the biggest line....partly because it is AWSOME and partly because it took a little longer to do than the others. Anyway Tammy was great and did spectacular painting...too many to choose from so you get to see a lot of them......but you will love it! I really tried to get a pic of every face but I missed a few!

More face painting....

I can not even thank my friend Tammy enough for coming and doing the face painting...her wrists hurt so bad when she finally was done...soooo many kids and such elabrate artwork. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU TAMMY!!!! YOU ARE AWSOME!!!

More birthday fun.....

Aunt Kari gets the Best dresses EVER!!! We Love them Kari..Thank you SOOOOO much!

I think Grandma Yearsley hit the spot with zulu pets (or whatever they are) the girls had been asking for them and asking for them everywhere we went...GOOD JOB MOM!! The girls have been playing with them non stop!!!

Hats and purses.....just thought the pic was so sticken my girls!!

Almost done with the fun......

Swimsuit covers for the girls....Way to go grandma Jeffs...we needed these!Going to the pool is soooo much quicker if we just wrap up and go!
Aunt Dawn brought the dress up tu tu skirts..Loven' them!

At last it is over.... my friend Lisa.. not willing to sit...which is all I wanted to do now...her husband John and eldest son Sam, Bree, amd Mikaela all helped us clean less than 20 min. we were done...YEEHA!!! Now it is off to the couch for a nap! (Iwish) I think someone just asked "whats for dinner?")


The Tulip Parrade! Anchorage Alaska

Every year at Northen Lights Elementry School we participated in the "Tulip Parade" Coustums changed and it was so much fun. This is me, Angela, and Dawn. Cute arn't we!
My father has got himself a new contraption that taled slides and makes them into pictures on the computer....I am very excited to see more!

Easter Outfits from Grandma Yearsley

Jacob and his shirt...he doesn't show it but he really liked it.....Bree being silly....she loved it...people make comments about it all the cute.
Ta Dah!

I am so beautiful!!

It is a kitty!!!!

They all loved them very much...Thank you so much mom.


This is thie kids out hunting for eggs...Trinitee found a ton........... Kiara was having problems moving fast enough.....not too happy.
Here is trinitee's basket...whooo iiiii!

Jacob....sauntering around.......trying not to crowd the girls' fun...what a nice big brother.

This is Trinitee's arms after opening the tatoos she won at the easter eeg dash by Vicki Joes house...tooo funny she put them all on at once. I guess I may need to talk with her about REAL tatoos before it is too late...she LOVES tatoos!