We finally got the rest of our swing set up!!!! Yea!!! For you that do not know the story of our swingset ..............My friend Lisa had to move out of her house, she was not planning on taking down her swingset to move to the new house....too much of a pain.....so I had my brother in law Ronnie come over one day when he was in town and took it apart and helped move it to our back yard!!! FREE FREE FREE swingset!!!!

However he had to get back to work and did not have time to put it back together....so it sat on its side for a while!

Then the T & T carnival birthday was going to take place in our yard and I could not have this big wood pile......So Jacob (my son) came over and the two of us put the main structure up and added the monkey bars for stability....however we were not capable of the swings area.........

So finally the other day the sweet young med of our ward came over and put everything together....the girs could not stop hugging them!!!! As it was time for bed I let them each play for a minuet and then off to their room....."You are the best mom EVER!" is what they said going into the house.....sooooooooooo worth it!!

Everyday since....(like the last 3) they play and play and play out there......I am the smartest mom ever...who knew I would be so happy to have the swingset!!!!

Anyway that is the story of our swingset and these were just some cute picks of the kids playing tonight on the stuff!!
1 comment:
Sooooo fun!! We miss our swing set we had at our fist house!! The kids ask all the time for a swingset. I tell them, "We can't have EVERYTHING"!!! Hopefully not having a swingset will keep us going to the park A LOT this summer!!!
The best words you can hear from your kids are, "You are the best Mom ever", I like this because kids don't say things because they feel like they have to, they say them because they are really thinking it at the time!!!
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