Little cowboy (Brandon) lookig hard to find more eggs! Trinitee in the back...she would yell "ha, an egg" every time she found one!
Here she is taking the time to show us her stash!
Kiara pleased as puch with the results of the hunt...even after I made her leave in the middle to go to the bathroom before she peed her pants!! All in all the night was a total sucess.......except for missing my Greg! He loved the night hunt...well lets get real he just loved Easter ...well really ANY holliday. I just remember going to Callico, and all the easter eves with him and his crazy maticulious egg hiding...I miss him a lot today. LOVE YOU BABE! Happy Easter!
1 comment:
That is soooo cute that Trinitee would always announce when she found an egg!!! I love those little quirky things about them!!! It looks like you took some good pics to keep everyone happy = ) I really appreciate you taking them so I can keep up with the kids. There was a pic you posted of Kia the other day and I hardly recognized her!! It's amazing how quickly they grow!!!
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