Monday, January 17, 2011

After the dirt jumps we had a small snack and drink...washed of a few boo boos and headed back up the trail to the docks....gotta wash off all that dust and dirt from the bike jumping! Kiara...ever the sweet sister...... She had to make sure everyone, including her slow to get in the cold water sister, Bree got wet!
Trinitee having a great time...crocks float ya know! Had to wash them off before heading back to the park for lunch.

Just a quick pic of the girls together at the lake dock.

This is all of us....minus Lisa and I...we had a lot of glad we went even if the bike ride almost killed me...LOL.

1 comment:

Kim said...

looks like fun!!! We will have to see about bringing the kids bikes one time when we come down, they would LOVE the jumps!!! Way to go Kia including everyone in your fun at the water!!! Wish we would have been looks like non-stop fun to me = )